KL 150 Electric Label Dispenser


Handles Label Widths Up to 6โ€ณ


KL 150 Electric Label DispenserThe KL 150 handles labels up to 6โ€ณ wide. Dispenses pressure sensitive labels and is ideal for all types of roll or fanfolded labels. . It utilizes photo-sensor reliability so that there are no micro switches or hair triggers to adjust. High speed operation, large roll capabilities, industrial construction, and a rewind system for the label liner are advantages of this machine. Having the ability to dispense all types of die-cut and butt-cut labels, the KL 150 requires no tools for label changeover or size adjustments, and no operator training is required.

KL 150 Electric Label Dispenser

Handles Labels Up to 6โ€ณ Wide


Features and Benefits of the KL 150 Label Dispenser

  • Automatic Label Dispensers.
  • KL-150 for labels up to 6 inch wide.
  • Perfect for all labeling applications.
  • Uses a non-contact photo sensor to detect all types of die-cut and butt-cut opaque labels.
  • Digital cycle counter.
  • Heavy duty construction for years of reliable service.
  • Large roll diameter and re-winder for the label waste.
  • Fully portable โ€“ small table top design.
  • Speed โ€“ 280 inches per minute.

Tigerseal Products 13093 Old Ridge Road Beaverdam VA 23015

1.800.899.9389 (9-5 M-F ET)

Packaging & Labeling Experts Since 1983- parts, service, new products