Tach It 6600


Handles tape Widths Up To 6″ Wide!


Tach-It 6605 Automatic Pressure Tape Dispenser

For Tape Widths Up To 6″ Wide !

  • Automatic Definite Length Tape Dispenser.
  • Clean guillotine cut.
  • Feeds and cuts the next piece of tape to either a random length by pressing a cut button or to a pre-determined length.
  • Works on most types of tapes and films up to 6″ inch wide.
  • Heavy duty steel case and construction.
  • Unique cradle design allows for large roll diameter of up to 11 3/4 inch.
  • Core size is no problem.
  • Has 1 random mode and 2 automatic modes.
  • Easy to read LED and push button controls.

Tigerseal Products 13093 Old Ridge Road Beaverdam VA 23015

1.800.899.9389 (9-5 M-F ET)

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